Applying for exemption from railroad operating purposes for a property on which federal railroad operating facilities are located

Service Description

The closure or abandonment of a railroad operating facility, for example a section of track or a station, does not mean that it also loses its legal status as an operating facility. Properties that are operating facilities or on which operating facilities are located are subject to planning approval by the federal government and are removed from the general planning sovereignty of the municipalities.

This special status is only lifted if the land is exempted from rail-specific earmarking. The corresponding areas are then returned to the planning sovereignty of the municipalities.

If you own an old railroad property and wish to use it for other purposes, you must submit an application for exemption to the Federal Railway Authority (EBA).

The EBA can only grant the application if your interest is more important than the public interest in the use of the railroad.

The following are eligible to apply for exemption

  • Railroad infrastructure companies,
  • owners of the land,
  • the municipality in whose territory the land is located or
  • the responsible body for road construction on a public road that intends to use the property for road or cycle path construction purposes.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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