Registration, approval or notification for feed businesses according to Regulation (EC) No. 183/2005 and Feed Regulation for commercial businesses

Service Description

You must be registered to handle feed if you perform the following activities:

- Manufacturing

- processing

- storage

- transport or

- Distribution of feed.

For the handling of feed, you also need an authorization if you carry out the following activities:

- Feed businesses engaged in the following activities (Article 10 No. 1 letter a).

1. manufacturer of additives according to Annex IV Chapter 1

2. put additives into circulation according to Annex IV, Chapter 1

- Feed businesses carrying out the following activities (Article 10 No. 1 letter B)

1. manufacturers and/or distributors of premixtures containing add itives (vitamins A, D; trace elements Cu, Se; coccidiostats, histomonostats)

2. manufacture of compound feed for special nutritional purposes (high concentrates, vitamins A, D; trace elements Cu, Se) in connection with Regulation (EC) No 767/2009 Article 8 (2)

- Feed businesses engaged in the following activities, (Article 10 No. 1 letter c)

1. manufacture of compound feedingstuffs for placing on the market or for own use, using coccidiostats or histomonostats or premixtures containing these additives

- Feed business operators, Article 10 No. 3 in conjunction with Annex II, section "Facilities and equipment" No. 10 Establishments carrying out one or more of the following activities with a view to placing the resulting products on the market for use in animal nutrition

1. processing of crude vegetable oils, excluding establishments falling within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004

2. oleochemical production of fatty acids

3. production of biodiesel

4. blending of fats

- Feed business operators, Article 10 No. 3 in conjunction with Regulation (EC) No. 767/2009 Annex VIII No. 1 Sentence 2

1. establishments detoxifying feed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2015/786

-animal keepers with activities according to Article 5 par. 2 in connection with Article 10 no. 1 lit. C

1. finishing plants with or without their own feed production which produce compound feed for their own livestock using coccidiostats or histomonostats or premixtures containing these additives.

The competent authority grants approval for this after inspection.

For feed businesses from Thuringia, the application must be completed in full and submitted to Department 21 of the Thuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas in Jena.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6PLus)

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