Service Finder
Licences and authorisations
From driving schools to restaurants to weapons dealerships, some business establishments and activities require special authorisations, and some professions can only be practised with such authorisations. Do you need a special licence? Then you are in the right place.
Advice on the application of plant protection products - display
There is a legal obligation to notify the authorities of commercial advice on the use of plant protection products. If you wish to carry out this activity in Thuringia, notify the competent authority here.
Allow brokerage activities
Do you want to broker real estate or loan agreements on a commercial basis? You need an official permit for this. This also applies if you want to manage residential real estate or prepare and carry out construction projects on a commercial basis.
Amusement arcades
For the operation of gambling halls, a permit from the competent authority must be applied for in advance.
Animal by-products: Commercial handling (rendering) - Permit
If you wish to commercially dispose of, collect or transport animal carcasses or other waste of animal origin, then you must notify the competent authority of your activity before it begins.
Animals: permit for commercial breeding, keeping, trade and other activities
For many activities in the commercial handling of animals you need a permit from the competent authority. You can find out more about this here.
Apply for a child day care permit
If you would like to look after a child or several children outside the household of the legal guardian on a regular basis and for a fee, you generally need permission to do so. You can apply for this from the relevant youth welfare office.
Apply for a license as a fee-based financial investment advisor
If you wish to work commercially as an independent Honora financial investment advisor, you will need a license.
Apply for a license as an insurance intermediary
If you want to work as a self-employed insurance intermediary (insurance broker or insurance agent), you need a license.
Apply for approval for the use and storage of compound feed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 999/2001
Approval is required for the use and storage of compound feeds made from certain feed materials of animal origin if you keep other livestock to which these feeds may not be fed.
Apply for approval of the early start of a plant requiring a permit
You may submit an application for early approval of a facility requiring a permit.
Apply for authorization for the manufacture of compound feed with feed materials from animal ingredients
Do you want to produce a compound feed from certain feed materials? Then you need an authorization if you want to use certain products of animal origin for production.
Apply for commercial permit according to explosives law
If your business activity requires the handling of explosive substances, you need a permit from the relevant authority.
Apply for driving school permit / branch permit
If you want to operate a driving school, you need a driving school permit.
If you are the owner of a driving school and operate branches of your driving school, you need a branch permit.
Apply for exemption from the obligation to obtain a license as an insurance intermediary
If you only broker insurance as a supplement to the goods or services supplied as part of your main activity, you can apply for an exemption from the obligation to obtain a license as an insurance broker.
Apply for exemptions from prohibitions in travel trade
- If you want to carry out an activity that is not allowed in the travel trade, you can apply for an exemption permit under certain conditions
Apply for immission control approval for the construction and operation of facilities
The construction and operation of facilities require an immission control permit if they are particularly likely to harm the environment or endanger the general public.
Apply for partial approval for the construction of a plant
If you need a partial permit for larger facilities whose construction or commissioning extends over a longer period of time, then a partial permit can be applied for.
Apply for permission to establish a stock exchange
To establish a stock exchange, you need a permit from the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Apply for permission to work as an insurance advisor
If you want to work as a self-employed insurance advisor, you need a license to do so.
Apply for registration or approval for self-mixers
Would you like to produce compound feed with animal ingredients for your own use? Then you need a registration. If you also keep ruminants on your farm, you need an approval for this.
Apply for registration or authorization according to Regulation (EC) No. 183/2005 and the Feed Regulation for Farmers
Are you a farmer? For the production, processing, storage, transportation and/or placing on the market of feed you need a registration/authorization
Apply for zoo permit
If you want to run a zoo, you need permission from the relevant conservation authority.
Applying for a derogation for the use of non-organic seeds
Would you like to use conventional seed for experimental purposes on your organic farm, but don't know whether this is permitted? The competent authority, in Thuringia the Thuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas, may be able to grant an exemption.
Applying for a permit for the construction and operation of genetic engineering facilities
The construction, operation and significant modification of genetic engineering facilities of safety levels 1 to 4 and other genetic engineering work of safety levels 2 to 4 require notification/registration confirmation or approval by the competent genetic engineering authority.
Applying for a permit for the simplified procedure for a plant according to BImSchG
If you submit an application under the simplified procedure for the approval of installations, you can obtain a permit for the construction and/or operation for installations of a certain type or scope without public participation from the competent authority.
Applying for a preliminary decision on a plant requiring a permit
You can submit an application for a preliminary for a plant requiring a permit for a plant requiring a permit. This allows a decision to be made on individual approval requirements and on the location of the plant.
Applying for permission to work with biological agents
If you want to start working with biosubstances of protection level 3 or 4 in laboratories, laboratory animal facilities or in biotechnology for the first time, you must apply for a permit. You can find out more here.
Approval of an inspection body in accordance with the Raw Milk Quality Ordinance
If you wish to operate an inspection body in accordance with the Raw Milk Quality Ordinance, you will require approval from the competent authority.
Approval of an inspection body in accordance with the Raw Milk Quality Ordinance
If you wish to operate an inspection body in accordance with the Raw Milk Quality Ordinance, you will require approval from the competent authority.
Approval of breeding programs according to § 5 par. 1 ff Animal Breeding Act
Approval of breeding programs
Approval of companies to carry out demolition and renovation work on or in existing plants, buildings or vehicles containing weakly bound asbestos products (Annex I No. 2.4.2 Para. 4 Hazardous Substances Ordinance)
You may only carry out demolition and renovation work on or in existing plants, buildings or vehicles containing weakly bound asbestos products if you have received approval for this from the competent authority.
Approval of establishments and premises for intra-Community trade in accordance with the Ordinance on the Protection of Animals with regard to the internal market
For commercial trade and transport of animals or their products within the EU, your business needs an official permit.
Auctioneer business permit application
If you wish to auction off movable property, land or rights belonging to third parties on a commercial basis, you need a permit.
Authorization to use the designation "branded cheese" is granted by
If you want to market cheese under the name "branded cheese", you need the approval of the competent authority.
Building - Application for approval of a deviation from building law requirements and from the provisions of the development plan
If the planning of your building project deviates from the applicable regulations, you can apply for an exception or exemption from the regulations.
Building - Application for approval of the change of use of buildings in a simplified procedure
You need a permit before you can change the use of a building that requires a permit.
Building - Application for building permit / for exemption from approval
If new buildings are erected, changes are made to buildings or their use is changed, a building permit is required. The building permit procedure is carried out by the lower building authorities. Smaller building projects are exempt under certain conditions.
Building - Application for extension of the partial building permit for the modification of a building structure
If you have a valid partial building permit for the modification of an installation for your building project, you can apply for an extension.
Building - Application for partial building permission for the modification of a building structure
With a partial building permit, you can start construction work to modify building sections before planning permission is granted. To do this, you must submit an application to the responsible authority.
Building - Application for preliminary building permit / preliminary building application
Before submitting a building application, you can clarify any final questions by submitting a so-called preliminary building inquiry. You must apply for this at the responsible authority.
Building - applying for exemption from approval in the simplified procedure
If new buildings are erected, changes are made to buildings or their use is changed, a building permit is required.
You can also make use of the simplified procedure in your application.
Construction - Application for type testing of structural systems with a specific system
If you want to erect structures in the same design or with a specific system in several locations, you can obtain a permit for this type of structure under certain conditions.
Craft: Apply for authorization to practice another craft subject to licensing in accordance with § 7a HwO (German Trade Regulation Act)
Are you registered in the register of skilled crafts with a craft that is subject to approval and would like to practice another craft? Then you can apply for a license to practice another craft under certain conditions.
Dangerous Substances and Mixtures: Commercial Handling - Permit according to the Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance
For the commercial distribution of substances or preparations that must be labeled with the hazard symbols T (toxic) or T+ (very toxic) according to the Hazardous Substances Ordinance, you need a permit from the competent authority.
Display activities with biological agents
If you take up targeted activities with biosubstances of risk group 2 for the first time, or activities with biosubstances of risk group 3 that do not require a permit, you must report this. You can find out more here.
Driver's license for passenger transport apply for renewal
You must apply for the extension of your driver's license for passenger transportation at the competent office.
Driver's license for passenger transport for ambulance apply for renewal
You must apply for the extension of your driver's license for passenger transport for ambulances at the responsible driver's license authority.
Driver's license for passenger transport for cab apply for extension
You must apply for the renewal of your driver's license for passenger transport for cabs at the responsible driver's license authority.
Driver's license for passenger transport for passenger cars in regular service or for commercial excursion trips or vacation destination trips Request extension
You must apply for the extension of your driver's license for passenger transportation for passenger cars in regular service or for commercial types of excursions or vacation destination trips at the responsible driver's license authority.
Food safety: cross-check experts - apply for approval
If you want to examine counter samples and/or duplicate samples within the scope of the official monitoring of foodstuffs and consumer goods you need an authorization from the competent authority for this activity.
Forest products: Commercial collection - permission
For the commercial collection of mushrooms, berries and herbs, you need a permit from the respective forest owner.
Granting of a totalizator permit in accordance with the Racing Betting and Lotteries Act
A racing or horse breeding club wishing to operate a totalizator on the occasion of public horse races requires a totalizator permit in accordance with the Racing Betting and Lotteries Act.
Granting of authority for repair store
You need a permit to set up a repair store.
Handicraft Authorization to practice handicrafts subject to licensing according to § 7b HwO Issuance
If you have passed a journeyman's or final examination in a recognized skilled trade and have qualified work experience, you can become self-employed in most skilled trades that are subject to licensing or you can exercise a company management function.
Have low-threshold offers in the care sector recognized
If you want to offer low-threshold care services for people in need of care, you must first have them recognized.
Home slaughter
If you wish to slaughter pets or ungulates yourself at home, you must register this with the competent authority. Home slaughter is the slaughter of animals outside of a commercial slaughterhouse.
Immission control: Announcement as expert in the sense of § 29a BImSchG
If you would like to be commissioned as an expert to carry out safety inspections and inspections of safety-related documents, you must apply to the competent authority for notification as an expert.
Licenses for bookmakers and betting shops under the Racing Betting and Lotteries Act
If you want to place or broker bets on public horse races commercially as a bookmaker, you need a license.
Notification for intended room disinfection with formaldehyde
The handling of fomaldehyde in the case of intended room disinfection must be notified in advance to the competent body.
Notification of facilities for handling substances hazardous to water, application for suitability determination
The construction of a facility for handling substances hazardous to water, you must notify the competent authority under certain conditions.
Parking permit apply for exception permit for craftsmen
If you run a craft or care service business, you can apply for a parking permit. With this, you are allowed to park in certain areas for the duration of your work assignment.
Parking permit exemption for social institutions and social services
If you run a non-profit organization or work for a social service, you can apply for a parking permit. With this you are allowed to park in certain areas for the duration of your work assignment.
Parking permit exemption for tradesmen and freelancers
If you run a business or work as a freelancer, you can apply for a parking permit. This allows you to park in certain areas for the duration of your work assignment.
Parking Permit Request exemption for parking as a family caregiver or caregiver.
If you operate a family care home, you can apply for a parking permit. With this, you are allowed to park in certain areas for the duration of your work assignment.
Plant protection product application for others - Display
There is a legal obligation to report the use of plant protection products for other persons, businesses and companies. If you wish to carry out this activity in Thuringia, notify the competent authority here.
Private equity company - recognition
If you want to operate a business investment company, then you need the recognition of the competent authority for this.
Professional pest control: notification of the first commencement of activities or after an interruption of more than one year
Anyone who uses biocidal products must do so properly. It is necessary to report this use to the competent authority upon commencement or resumption after a break of at least one year.
Publicly appointed and sworn in as a particularly competent auctioneer
You can apply to be publicly appointed and sworn in as a particularly competent auctioneer.
Restaurant business, display
You must notify the competent authority of the operation of a restaurant.
Savings bank: establishment - permission
If you want to establish a savings bank, then you need permission from the relevant authority.
Security guarding (store detectives, patrols in public areas, doormen) - permit
Certain activities in the guarding trade may only be carried out after passing the expert knowledge examination at the IHK.
Show blasting
You must notify the responsible office of a blasting with explosive substances.
Small fireworks exception permit obtained
You must apply for an exemption permit to burn small fireworks outside of the yearly wassail.
Trade with / import of plant protection products - notification
There is a legal obligation to report the trade in and import of plant protection products. If you wish to engage in this activity in Thuringia, notify the competent authority here.
Veterinarian - registering professional practice with state veterinary chamber
You must register your commencement of work as a veterinarian with the relevant authorities.
X-ray equipment: Termination of operation - Display
You must immediately notify the responsible office of the termination of operation of an X-ray device.
Granting the right to use the designation "German branded butter"
If you wish to market butter under the name "German branded butter", you must be granted the right to do so by the competent authority.
Land leases, display
If you have entered into a land lease agreement or wish to notify a change to it, this must be notified to the competent authority within one month by the lessor.
Registration, approval or notification for feed businesses in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 183/2005 and the Feed Regulation for commercial businesses
You require a registration/authorization for the handling of animal feed if you carry out the following activities:
- Production,
- processing,
- storage,
- transportation or
- distribution of animal feed.
Activities with pathogens - apply for a permit
If you want to bring pathogens to Germany, export them, store them, hand them over or work with them, you need a permit from the competent authority in accordance with the Infection Protection Act.
Activities with pathogens - Display changes
If you carry out activities involving pathogens, you must notify the competent authority immediately of any changes that occur. You can find more information here.
Air transport - Permit to fly an aircraft apply for renewal
If you are an airline pilot and would like to extend an existing rating, you may require refresher training at your flight school, after which you can have the extension confirmed on your license.
Air transport - permit to fly an aircraft conversion application
Are you a private pilot and would like to convert your pilot's license? Then you can submit an application for conversion to the state aviation authority.
Air transport - Permit to operate an aircraft Application for renewal for private pilots
If you are a private pilot and would like to extend an existing rating, you may require refresher training at your flight school, after which you can have thehave the extension confirmed on your license.
Air transport - requesting permission for an air event
You would like to hold an event at your airfield where aircraft are displayed in flight or compete against each other in a competition? Then you need a permit which you must apply for at the responsible office.
Apply for a license for financial service providers
If you want to offer financial services, you need a license to do so.
Apply for a license for the wholesale of medicinal products
If you wish to operate a wholesale business with medicinal products, you require a permit from the competent authority. You can find out more here.
Apply for admission to the law society
Do you want to run your law firm in the form of a limited liability company (GmbH) or a stock corporation (AG)? In this case, recognition as a law company requires admission.
Apply for European Technical Assessment (ETA)
If you would like to obtain a European Technical Assessment (ETA) for your construction product, you can apply to the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt).
Apply for inclusion in the hospital plan of a federal state
Your hospital will receive a license if it is included in the hospital plan of the respective state. You can apply for admission to the relevant authority.
Apply for new vineyards for wine
If you want to grow wine on new vineyards, you generally need a permit from the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE).
Apply for permission to sell goods at trade fairs, festivals and on special occasions
Would you like to occasionally offer goods for immediate sale at trade fairs, exhibitions, public festivals or on special occasions? Then you need a permit from the competent authority and do not require a traveling trade card.
Apply for type approval for devices with radioactive substances and systems for generating ionizing radiation
If you want to manufacture devices with radioactive substances or systems for generating ionizing radiation that may be operated without a permit or notification, you can apply for a type approval.
Applying for an operating license for a hospital pharmacy
An operating license is required to operate a hospital pharmacy.
Applying for an operating license for a pharmacy
If you want to open or take over a pharmacy, you must submit a written application for an operating license.
Applying for approval to conduct clinical trials of medical devices
If you want to conduct clinical trials as a manufacturer of medical devices, you may have to apply for approval from the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM).
Applying for permission to operate a capital management company
If you wish to manage investment funds as a capital management company with its registered office and head office in Germany, you require written permission or you must register.
Building - Application for planning permission for the modification of a building structure
If changes are made to buildings or their use is changed, a building permit is required. This does not apply to smaller building projects for which certain conditions apply.
Catering trade, apply for a permit for a special occasion
Would you like to offer catering with alcohol on tap as part of a temporary event (e.g. funfair, town festival, shooting festival) or for another temporary occasion (e.g. canteens)? Then you need a temporary permit (authorization).
Discharge of wastewater into private wastewater systems Exemption from the permit requirement
You would like to discharge wastewater into a private wastewater system and be exempted from the permit requirement? Then an application for exemption from the permit requirement must be submitted to the competent authority of the respective federal state.
Display activities with pathogens
Do you have a permit to work with pathogens and now want to take up this activity for the first time? Then you must notify the competent authority of the activity. You can find more information here.
Erecting, modifying, operating ferry and navigation facilities - permit / authorization
If you want to build, operate or make changes to ferry and navigation facilities, then you need a permit from the competent body.
Extension of the scope of appointment of a publicly appointed and sworn expert in the field of agriculture and forestry, including horticulture and fisheries
Would you like to extend your public appointment as an expert to include another specialist area?
Fishing - Applying for authorization for electrofishing (fishing with electricity)
If you wish to use electrofishing for the investigation of fish stocks, you need the approval of the competent authority.
Foreign financial investment intermediaries and financial investment advisors activity show
If you wish to work temporarily as a foreign financial investment intermediary and advisor in Germany, you must notify the competent authority.
Giving up a job as a district chimney sweep
Would you like to give up your position as an authorized district chimney sweep?ogistered district chimney sweep? To do so, you must contact the competent authority.
Have trial facility for plant protection products officially recognized
If you wish to have a non-official testing facility operated or established by a private or public entity officially recognized, you may do so by application.
Public appointment and swearing-in of samplers
With a public appointment as a sampler, you are available to courts, authorities, industry and the general public as a particularly reliable, credible and experienced person.
Recognition and disclosure as an expert or technical expert in accordance with the Federal Soil Protection Act
If you would like to be recognized as an expert for soil protection issues, you must submit a corresponding application.
Recognition of producer groups of agricultural quality products
Regionally produced and high-quality food is becoming increasingly popular. As a producer association for agricultural quality products, they are not only able to meet this increasing demand, but also receive a wide range of funding opportunities as a result.
Report changes to the requirements for recognition as a body for the measurement of radon-222 activity concentration
You are a recognized body for the measurement of radon-222 activity concentration at workplaces, but your requirements for recognition change? Then you must notify the Federal Office for Radiation Protection.
Show handling of airbag and pretensioner units
The handling of airbag and seatbelt pretensioner units in operation is notifiable
Show modification of an installation requiring approval
If you wish to make a change to an installation, you must notify the competent authority if a permit for the changes has not already been applied for.
Vertebrate pest control, applying for a permit for commercial killing or stunning
Do you commercially control vertebrate animals as pests? Then you need an animal welfare permit from the competent authority.
Vine - Apply for replanting rights
When vineyards are grubbed up, replanting rights are automatically created. Either the same areas can be replanted with vines or other areas within the farm.
Agricultural accident insurance: applying for a clearance certificate for companies
If your company belongs to an accident insurance institution and you have paid contributions to the statutory accident insurance, you can prove this with a clearance certificate.
Apply for a certificate for the distribution of certain funds
As an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities - capital management company or alternative investment fund capital management company, you can apply for a distribution certificate from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
Apply for a certificate of approved depositary for the land registry
In some cases, as a capital management company (KVG) for an investment fund that has acquired real estate, you require a certificate of appointment of the depositary for submission to the land registry (land registry certificate).
Apply for approval as a classification undertaking for carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep
If your company classifies carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep in statutory commercial classes and categories, you need an approval. You can apply for this from the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE).
Apply for approval as a continuing airworthiness management organization (CAMO)
If your company is to be responsible for the maintenance and inspection of aircraft, you will require an authorization as a continuing airworthiness management organization (CAMO). Changes to a CAMO are also subject to approval.
Apply for approval as a maintenance organization and as a combined airworthiness organization
If your company wishes to operate as a maintenance organization (Part-145) or combined airworthiness organization (CAO) in the aviation sector, you require approval from the German Federal Aviation Office. Changes are also subject to approval.
Apply for approval as a provider of consumer information services (VID) by the Market Transparency Unit (MTS) for fuels (MTS-K)
Do you want to inform consumers about the current fuel prices at filling stations? Then you can use real-time data from the Market Transparency Unit for Fuels under certain conditions.
Apply for approval for the training of aeronautical personnel
If you want to train aviation personnel as a company, you need a permit from the Federal Aviation Office.
Apply for approval to develop aircraft and aeronautical equipment
If your company wishes to commercially develop technologies for aircraft and aeronautical equipment, you require a permit from the Federal Aviation Office. Changes to a permit are also subject to approval.
Apply for authorization or exemption for flight, duty and rest times or submit a notification
You must apply for a permit from the Federal Aviation Authority (LBA) for flight, duty and rest times. Changes or exceptions are also subject to approval. You must notify the LBA of commanders' decisions involving more than one hour.
Apply for changes to German air carriers
If you wish to make changes to your German air carrier under commercial and company law, you must report and apply for these changes.
Apply for frequencies for ground radio stations for aeronautical and air navigation radio
Would you like to use frequencies for a radio station for aviation and air navigation radio on the ground? You can apply for these from the Federal Network Agency.
Apply for frequencies for trunked radio
If you wish to use a trunked radio network, you must apply for frequencies from the Federal Network Agency.
Apply for frequency allocation for analog railroad mobile radio
You can apply to the Federal Network Agency for frequency allocations for analog railroad mobile radio.
Apply for frequency allocation for GNSS repeaters
If you want to use GNSS repeaters, you must have the corresponding frequencies allocated to you. To do this, submit an application to the Federal Network Agency.
Apply for frequency allocation for point-to-point radio relay
Would you like to use certain frequencies for point-to-point radio relay? You must apply for these from the Federal Network Agency.
Apply for frequency allocation for satellite radio (SNG)
If you want to transmit video and audio signals for broadcasting distribution at changing locations via satellite radio, you must apply to the Federal Network Agency for frequencies for Satellite News Gathering (SNG).
Apply for frequency allocation for wireless network access (campus networks)
Would you like to use certain frequencies for wireless network access? You must apply to the Federal Network Agency.
Apply for location-based frequency usage parameter determination for wireless network access
If the Federal Network Agency has allocated you frequencies in the mobile network and you want to put them into operation, you must first apply for the determination of the location-related technical parameters for frequency use.
Apply for recognition as a body for language examinations for aviation personnel
If you are an individual or organization wishing to conduct language examinations for pilots, you must apply to the Federal Office of Civil Aviation for recognition as a body for conducting language examinations.
Apply for recognition as a Designated Body (BSt)
If your company is active in the railroad sector and is a so-called conformity assessment body it needs to be recognized as a Designated Body (BSt) by the Federal Railway Authority (EBA).
Apply for recognition as a Notified Body (NB)
If your company is active in the rail sector and is a so-called conformity assessment body it needs to be recognized as a Notified Body (NB) by the German Federal Railway Authority (EBA).
Apply for recognition as an ECM certification body (ECMZ)
If your company is active in the railroad sector and would like to work as a so-called ECM certification body (ECMZ), it requires corresponding recognition from the Federal Railway Authority (EBA).
Apply for recognition as an Independent Valuation Body (UBS)
If your company is active in the railroad sector and would like to work as a so-called Independent Assessment Body (UBS), it needs to be recognized by the Federal Railway Authority (EBA).
Apply for renewal of approval as a classification undertaking for carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep
If you and your company classify carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep in statutory commercial classes and categories, you require an approval. You can apply to the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food for an extension of the approval.
Apply for site-specific frequency usage parameter determination for digital railroad mobile radio
The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) has allocated you frequencies in digital railroad mobile radio and you would like to put them into operation? Then you must first apply for the determination of the site-specific technical parameters for frequency use.
Apply for the establishment of a new German air carrier
If you wish to set up a new air carrier, you must submit an application for approval of the new company.
Applying for a simplified operator certificate for unmanned aircraft systems (LUC)
If your company is registered with the German Federal Aviation Office as an operator of unmanned aircraft, you can apply for a simplified operator certificate. This entitles you to handle certain approval processes for internal UAS operations independently.
Applying for a special permit for marking
Is it not possible to affix the license plate of an aircraft properly? Then, under certain conditions, you can apply for a license plate exemption.
Applying for admission of a patent law firm
Would you like to work in the field of patent law in Germany with a professional practice company with limited liability or as a foreign professional practice company? Then you need a license from the Chamber of Patent Attorneys.
Applying for an exemption and overflight permit for the transportation of dangerous goods by air
If you want to transport dangerous goods that are actually prohibited by air, you must apply for a special permit or an overflight permit.
Applying for excursion permits and stationing
If you would like to extend your general flight permit or carry out individual flights and stationing, you can apply for this at the Federal Aviation Office.
Applying for exemption from railroad operating purposes for a property on which federal railroad operating facilities are located
If you own a railroad property that is no longer used for transportation and whose infrastructure will no longer be used in the long term, you can apply to the Federal Railway Authority (EBA) for exemption of the property under certain conditions.
Applying for exemptions and alternative verification procedures to European aviation law
Do you need approval for an exemption from European aviation law or an alternative verification procedure instead of the Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC)? If so, you must apply to the Federal Aviation Office, provided it is responsible in your case.
Applying for temporary flight permits
If you require the issue of a temporary traffic permit, a temporary permit to fly or the approval of flight conditions for an aircraft, you can apply for this under certain conditions.
Applying for the allocation of frequencies for earth stations in satellite radio
Are you a company or an organization and would like to use satellite communication services with the help of earth stations? Then you need to apply for the appropriate frequencies from the Federal Network Agency.
Appoint management personnel for German airlines
If you wish to fill management positions in your German aviation company for the first time or to fill new positions, you must apply for the appointment of management personnel.
Communicating the outsourcing of tasks as a capital management company
As a capital management company (KVG), you can outsource tasks to other companies. You must notify the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) of this.
Determining the safety of new or amended insurance conditions of pension funds
As a pension fund, you would like to introduce new insurance conditions or change existing insurance conditions and there is no requirement for approval.
Display or apply for a wet lease
If you, as a German airline, wish to use aircraft under wet lease agreements, you must apply for or notify us of this.
Display significant changes to low-frequency systems or direct current systems
If you wish to make a significant change to a direct current system or a low-frequency system with a nominal voltage of 110 kilovolts, you must notify the competent authority.
Establish licensing requirement for companies in the financial sector
Does your company want to offer new services in the financial sector? You may need to clarify whether your business idea requires a license.
Have additives in plant protection products approved
As a manufacturer, you must have new additives in plant protection products tested and approved by the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety.
Have investment conditions for newly established investment funds approved
If you form investment funds as a capital management company (KVG), investment stock corporation or open-ended investment limited partnership, you must have the investment conditions approved by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
Have investment sales prospectuses approved
Before you publish a sales prospectus for investments, the publication must be approved by BaFin.
Have securities prospectuses approved
Before you publish a securities prospectus, you must have it approved by BaFin.
Have the choice and change of depositaries approved
As a capital management company, you must obtain approval from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) for every choice and every change to a new depositary.
Have unauthorized plant protection products for use on infested objects approved for export
Under certain conditions, you can use unauthorized plant protection products on plants, seeds or other infested objects if they are intended exclusively for export from Germany. You require a permit for this.
Having changes to the investment conditions of investment funds approved
If you, as a capital management company, amend the investment conditions of your investment fund, you must have the amended investment conditions approved by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin about new, changed or terminated significant shareholdings in banks and financial services institutions
If you wish to acquire shareholdings in a bank or financial services institution, you must inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in advance. The same applies if your shareholdings change.
IT security: Apply for certification of persons
If you would like to qualify in the field of IT security and prove your expertise, you can apply for certification under certain conditions.
Medical devices - certificate of marketability
If you want to place medical devices on the market for the first time, you can apply for a certificate of marketability of the medical device(s) for export.
Notify BaFin of new or departing members of the supervisory board or advisory board of asset management companies
If you are a capital management company (KVG) appoint members to the Supervisory Board or an Advisory Board, you must report this to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). The same applies if members leave the Supervisory Board or an Advisory Board.
Notify the intention to appoint a managing director of a capital management company
Does your capital management company want to appoint a new managing director? You must report this to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
Obtain approval for the use of plant protection products on public land
Plant protection products can be used in public areas, such as parks or cemeteries, by qualified persons if they have been approved for this purpose by the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety.
Obtain authorization to transfer the management of a domestic investment fund
You require approval from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) to transfer the management of an investment fund to another capital management company.
Obtaining licenses, permits or approvals for the establishment or management of companies
If you are setting up a company, you will find information here on the procedures, formalities and permits you need to observe.
Permission received for the use of the federal eagle
If you wish to use a depiction of the federal eagle, you must apply for permission.
Permission to publish investment information sheets
Before you publish an investment information sheet (VIB) in accordance with Sections 2a, b, 13 VermAnlG, publication must be approved by BaFin.
Receive accreditation as a De-Mail service provider
If you would like to obtain accreditation as a De-Mail service provider, you can apply for this from the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).
Recognition of a forestry association and granting of legal capacity as an economic association
Association of landowners for the joint management of their forest areas in a forest management association (FBG).
Request access to submit prospectuses for securities to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
Do you want to submit a prospectus for securities to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority? Then you need access to the relevant specialist procedure.
Request approval for changes to technical business plans for life insurance contracts concluded before July 29, 1994
Are you a life insurance company subject to federal supervision by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority and would you like to change a technical business plan for existing life insurance contracts? Then you must apply for approval from BaFin.
Request approval for the introduction of a technical business plan at a regulated pension fund or approval for the amendment of a technical business plan
Are you a pension fund and would like to introduce or change a technical business plan? You need approval for this.
Request approval for the introduction of new or the amendment of existing insurance conditions of pension funds
Are you a pension fund and would like to introduce new insurance conditions or change existing insurance conditions? As a regulated pension fund, you generally require approval for this. Approval may be required for other pension funds.
Request consultation procedure for novel foods
Would you like to launch a food on the German market and are unsure whether it is to be classified as a novel food? Then you can apply to the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) for a consultation procedure.
Show distribution of domestic public AIFs in Germany
Do you want to distribute domestic public AIFs, i.e. alternative investment funds, in Germany as a capital management company? Then you must notify the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
Show distribution of European alternative investment funds or special funds of a domestic capital management company to semi-professional or professional investors in Germany
If you, as a domestic capital management company, wish to market European alternative investment funds (EU AIFs) or special funds in Germany, you must register this with the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
Single point of contact network
The Europe-wide Single Point of Contact network provides you with information on legal requirements and helps with the handling of procedures.
Submitting a voting rights notification as an investor
Your voting rights based on shares in a listed company and/or your financial instruments in relation to such shares change? You may need to notify the company and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
Apply for a company license to operate a rail infrastructure (Section 6 AEG)
Application for a company license for railroad tracks, control and safety systems and platforms.
Apply for a company license to provide rail transport services (Section 6 AEG)
Application for a company license for the provision of rail transport services
Apply for a company permit as a vehicle keeper for independent participation in railroad operations (Section 6 AEG)
Application for a company permit as a vehicle keeper for independent participation in railroad operations
Apply for a license to act as a real estate loan broker
If you want to broker real estate loans or corresponding financial assistance for a fee on a commercial basis or provide advice on this, you need a license to do so.
Apply for a pawnbroking license
If you want to work commercially as a pawnbroker or pawnbroker, you need a license.
Apply for a travel trade license change or supplement
You need a traveling trade card for a traveling trade. You can change or extend the activities listed on the itinerant trade license with the competent authority.
Apply for a travel trade license extension
You need a traveling trade card for a traveling trade. You can have a temporary traveling trade license extended by the competent authority.
Apply for animal testing projects
If you want to carry out an animal experiment on vertebrates or cephalopods, you need prior approval from the competent authority.
Apply for approval of minimum equipment list (MEL) for aircraft or submit notification for extension of recovery interval (RIE)
You need approval from the Federal Aviation Office for the minimum equipment list of an aircraft. Changes to an existing list are also subject to approval. If you wish to extend the recovery period, you must notify the Federal Aviation Office.
Apply for calibration
You would like that one or moremeasuring devicesbe calibrated? Then you must submit a corresponding calibration application to the responsible authority authority. Further details here.
Apply for exemption from the obligation to obtain a permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons
You can apply for an exemption from the permit requirement for the acquisition and possession of weapons.
Apply for exemption from the obligation to obtain a permit for the purchase and possession of ammunition
You may apply for an exemption from the permit requirement for ammunition purchase and possession.
Apply for green weapon possession card for individual person
If you, as an individual, wish to acquire and possess weapons and/or ammunition requiring a permit, you must apply for a permit from the relevant weapons authority.
Apply for gun ownership card for hunting associations
If you want to acquire and possess weapons and/or ammunition as a hunting association, you must apply for a permit from the relevant weapons authority.
Apply for gun ownership card for shooting sport clubs
If you are a shooting club require a permit If you want to acquire and possess weapons and/or ammunition that require a permit, you must apply for a permit from the relevant weapons authority.
Apply for permission to permanently transfer firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany
Do you want to permanently export weapons or ammunition from Germany to other countries, permanently import them into Germany or transport them through Germany? Then you need a permit.
Apply for public appointment as an expert in the fields of agriculture, forestry, horticulture and fisheries
Would you like to become a publicly appointed and sworn expert in the fields of agriculture, horticulture, fisheries or forestry? You can find out more here.
Apply for recognition as an expert for high-pressure gas pipelines
If you wish to work as an expert or surveyor in the field of high-pressure gas pipelines, you must be recognized as an expert by the competent authority.
Apply for renewal of the permit to bring weapons or ammunition into or through the federal territory.
If you wish to continue to carry a firearm or ammunition into or through federal territory, you may apply for an extension of your permit.
Apply for travel business card
If you want to sell or offer goods or services commercially outside your business without being asked by a customer, or if you want to carry out entertainment activities as a showman, you must apply for a travel trade card.
Apply for type approval on a project-related basis
Do you want to use a type of construction that is not regulated or deviates significantly from technical regulations? Then you need a project-related type approval to prove its suitability for safe construction.
Applying for a cab permit to be reissued
If your permit expires, you can apply to the relevant licensing authority to have your permit reissued.
Applying for a permit for a cultivation association for the communal cultivation and distribution of cannabis
Under the conditions of the Consumer Cannabis Act (KCanG), so-called cultivation associations (associations or registered cooperatives) can apply for a permit for the joint cultivation and distribution of cannabis and propagation material.
Applying for permission for a collection
Would you like to collect donations? You need a permit for certain types of collections, which you can find out about here.
Applying for public appointment and swearing-in as an expert
By being publicly appointed and sworn in, you can be recognized as a particularly reliable expert with integrity in a specialist field.
Applying for re-authorization of a trade after prohibition
Have you been banned from exercising your trade due to unreliability? Then, as a rule, you can apply for the re-authorization of your commercial activity under certain conditions after one year.
Aviation - Obtaining an aviation license (pilot's license)
Would you like to become a private pilot? Then you will need a pilot's license, which you can apply for from the state aviation authority after successfully completing training at a flying school. You can also have your pilot's license renewed or converted.
Business re-registration
If you wish to re-register your business, you must notify the relevant authorities.
Coat of arms of municipalities - permission to use
If you want to use the coat of arms of a municipality, then you must obtain permission for this in advance.
Crafts: Arbitration board
In the event of disputes between craft businesses and clients, both sides can have recourse to the mediation body.
Debtor and consumer insolvency advice center - recognition
If you want to advise debtors as part of consumer insolvency proceedings, you need state recognition.
Display of a public event
You must notify the relevant authority in advance of a public event.
Display of persons - Permit
You require a permit from the competent authority for the commercial display of persons.
Do not allow commercial handling of explosives
Do you want to handle explosive substances such as black powder, nitrocellulose powder or fireworks as a private individual? Then you must comply with the Explosives Act and require an official permit from the competent authority.
Driving license - having courses to restore fitness to drive recognized
If you would like to run courses to restore the fitness to drive of drivers with alcohol or drug-related convictions, you need to be recognized by the competent authority under state law.
Egg packing station - Apply for approval
You may only operate an egg packing station if it has been approved by the competent authority under market law and a packing station code has been issued.
Energy supply: Charges for network access - approval
Charges for network access must be approved by the responsible regulatory authority.
Energy supply: Operation of energy supply networks - Authorization
The operation of an energy supply network must be approved by the competent authority.
Experts of the trade
If you would like to be publicly appointed as an expert by the Chamber of Crafts, you must fulfill certain requirements.
Firearms license - issuance
If you want to carry alarm, irritant and signal weapons, then you need the "small" gun license.
Fixed shooting range Apply for permission to operate
If you want to operate a fixed shooting range, then you need a permit.
Nature conservation: Intervention in nature and landscape - approval
Interventions in nature and the landscape may only be carried out with prior approval.
Notification of the start of trials with unauthorized plant protection products in the field
The start of trials with non-authorized plant protection products or authorized products in non-authorized areas of application must be notified to the competent state authorities for each trial location.
Obtain a permit for waste management activities
If you wish to collect or transport hazardous waste or trade in hazardous waste, you must apply for a permit for this activity from the competent authority.
Official recognition of the experts for the acceptance of expert examinations for owners of dangerous dogs or other dangerous animals
Official recognition of experts for the acceptance of expert examinations for keepers of dangerous animals (§§ 1 and 9 of the Thuringian Expert Examination Ordinance).
Passenger transport - car rental permit issuance
You would like to operate a rental car business? You can apply for the necessary permit at the transport authority responsible for you.
Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition
If you wish to acquire or possess weapons and ammunition, you will need a permit. You must apply for this from the competent authority.
Portable shooting range Apply for permission to operate
You need a permit to operate a portable shooting range.
Possession of weapons for customary use Apply for a permit
If you need weapons or ammunition as a customary shooter for customary purposes, you must apply for a permit to do so.
Public gambling (sports betting): Permission mediation
If you wish to conduct or broker sports betting, you must apply for a permit to do so.
Public games of chance (lotteries, draws): Event - Permission
If you want to organize or mediate public gambling, then you need the permission of the competent authority beforehand.
Recognition of a forestry association
Association of recognised forestry associations or similar groupings for the purpose of adapting forestry production to market requirements
Register a business
If you want to run a business, you must register this with the competent authority. You can find out more here.
Request approval for training and screening programs for flight and cabin crews and issuance of flight attendant certificates
If you want to introduce or change training and screening programs for flight and cabin crews or issue flight attendant certificates, you need approval from the Federal Aviation Authority.
Request confirmation of the installation site for playground equipment
If you, as an operator of gambling machines, have found a new installation site, you need a confirmation for the installation site for the installation of gambling machines with the possibility of winning.
Security business - apply for a permit
Anyone wishing to guard the lives or property of third parties on a commercial basis requires a permit from the competent authority.
Set up playground equipment
If you want to set up commercial gaming machines with the possibility of winning, you need the permission of the competent authority.
Show travel business card free activity
Only a few activities that do not require a travel authorization card must be reported. Before starting an activity that is not subject to a travel authorization card, please check whether you may have to report it to the responsible office.
Submit new or existing air traffic operations manuals for review
Would you like to introduce new operations manuals for air traffic operations or make changes to existing manuals? Then you must submit these in advance to the Federal Aviation Office for review.
Swearing in of experts to provide expert opinions on the services and activities of the skilled trades and their value
If you would like to be sworn in as an expert to provide expert opinions on the goods, services and prices of craftsmen, you must submit an application to the relevant appointing body. You can find out more here.
Test engineers for fire protection - Apply for recognition
Test engineers for fire protection carry out building inspection tasks on behalf of the building supervisory authority.
Test engineers for stability - Apply for recognition
If you want to work as a test engineer for stability, you need to be recognized by the highest building supervisory authority.
Test experts for earthworks and foundation engineering - Apply for recognition
Earthworks and foundation engineering experts test and certify compliance with building code requirements. This is done on behalf of the client or other responsible parties in accordance with building regulations.
Test experts for technical systems and equipment - Apply for recognition
Inspection experts inspect and certify compliance with building code requirements in their respective fields.This is done on behalf of the building owner or other responsible parties in accordance with building regulations.
Use of the national coat of arms Authorization
The use of the Thuringian coat of arms is only permitted to state authorities. The so-called Thuringia signet, on the other hand, may be used by anyone.
Weapons manufacturing and / or arms trade show branch
If you open or close the operation of a branch or dependent branch for the commercial manufacture and/or trade of weapons, you must report this.
Weapons possession card as an expert or expert permit application
If you are an expert in firearms or ammunition and want to own or acquire them, you need a permit to do so.
Weapons trade permit application
If you want to buy and sell firearms or ammunition on a commercial basis, you need a firearms dealer's license.
Weapons transport - permit
For the transport of firearms or ammunition you need the permission of the competent authority.