
Here you will find integration courses, language courses and other services and information on the topic of integration. For immigrants, late repatriates and course participants, teachers and professionals, volunteers and interested parties, the aim of integration is to include all people who live permanently and legally in our country into society. Welcome!


Apply for a travel allowance for integration courses

If you attend an integration course, you can receive a travel allowance under certain conditions.

Apply for admission to the integration course

If you want to learn German, you can take part in an integration course under certain conditions.

Apply for cost exemption for the integration course

If you receive social benefits or are financially needy, you can take part in an integration course free of charge under certain conditions. This also applies to employees whose gross salary does not exceed a certain amount.

Apply for funding for community-oriented integration projects

If you are an association or club promoting the integration of immigrants as part of the federal program "Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt - Vor Ort. Networked. Connected" program, you can apply for a project funding grant from the BAMF.

Apply for funding for supplementary integration measures for ethnic German repatriates

If you are a non-profit organization or local authority and would like to promote the integration of ethnic German repatriates in accordance with the concept "Gemeinsam unterwegs: Identität, Anerkennung, Begegnung", you can apply to the BAMF for project funding.

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Integration through Qualification (IQ)"

If you offer measures that support migrants in integrating into the labor market, you can apply for funding under certain conditions.

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Win-Win - Cooperation for Integration"

If you want to offer socially innovative solutions and measures for young men between the ages of 18 and 35 who have difficulties accessing education, employment and social benefits, you can apply for funding under certain conditions.

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "WIR - Networks integrate refugees into the regional labor market"

If you want to improve the integration of refugees in the labor market, you can receive a grant under certain conditions.

Apply for model projects in the field of integration

If you would like to carry out a pilot project in the field of integration, you can apply for project funding from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

Apply for multiplier training in the area of integration

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) promotes one-day and multi-day multiplier training courses to support the voluntary commitment of people with and without a migration background.

Apply for reimbursement of the cost contribution (50 percent) for the integration course

If you have successfully completed the integration course within 2 or 3 years, you can apply for a refund of 50 percent of your cost contribution under certain conditions.

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